Caribou Workshop

This 2,5 days-long workshop, which we co-developed with Marcus Müller and +Impakt Luxembourg, aims to bring together individuals interested in understanding the complex relationship between humans and nature, and how we can transition towards a sustainable and circular economy that respects and works in harmony with the nature around and within us. Together we will:

  • Reconnect to nature by exploring the positive impacts that nature can have on the mental and physical health of the individual, as well as the health of our companies.

  • Reconsider our human nature: how we learn and function, what drives us and how we succeed, and how all of this influences how we approach social, economic, and environmental issues.

  • Re-evaluate the concepts of sustainability and circular economy and its impact on nature and people, and vice versa.

Through interactive discussions and activities (in/outdoors), sharing knowledge and best practices, we will foster a deeper understanding of these topics and develop practical solutions for creating a more sustainable future.

Next session: April 2024


Teaching the Teachers